Dream Weavers

Dream Weavers are woven for my clients in celebration of New Life, New Beginnings or personal healings....

Kia Ora

These dreamers are woven with mindful attention & theAroha (Love & Honouring) spirit that one would receive when visiting me in my wellbeing practise at Mana Wellbeing Centre.

The intention of each dreamer weaved is to inspire you on your journey.

To inspire courage, clarity, guidance, support, blessings & celebration.

Choosing your Dreamer…

I believe that you will recognise your Dreamer, perhaps the colour, the          materials or by their title. Some Dreamers may live with you for a long time & others only a while. As your journey evolves in life you may choose to pass it on.

Dream Weaver Care…

Every dreamer is unique with their coloured threads, Lace, Ribbon, Willow, wood, hand spun wool, feathers & beads. The materials are new, recycled & gathered. Thus being the case it is recommended to place them in a dry sheltered space. Indoors is ideal & if placed in a space with direct sunlight for long periods of time their colour may fade.

Fullmoon is a perfect time to hang your Dreamer in the window to catch the moonlight to cleanse and refresh their energy & therefore your home or sacred space. I choose to Mist spray every dreamer with lavender mist  before they go off to their new homes to ensure they are clear & vibrant.

Inspiration & Gratitude…

Its with Aroha I thank the beautiful crafters that have woven the Crochet   pieces new & recycled… for the crafters that spun the wool & dyed the threads.. for those that collected feathers, willow & pointed me in the right direction to   gather. Thank you to the birds for their beautiful feathers. Earth Crystals. Ocean inspiration. Universe Guidance & Trust. Inspiration in Life to weave the dreamers together. Thank you to my family & sharing the space at home whilst weaving over the dinner table!

Thank you to my mama a master weaver that continues to humble and inspire me.

This has been a lovely connection in Arohanui. Namaste


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