My Heart My Spirit My Brain

Two notebooks that can create clarity in mind, promote uplifting wellbeing & energy.

I carry two notebooks on me. One is for listing my daily tasks/jobs and the other is for listing my creative inspirations, ideas & spiritual prompts.

Notebook one

To start my day, I create 10 or so minutes to list all my daily tasks/jobs that I will tick off for the day. This may include house care, town pickups & drop offs, administration tasks & family care.

By starting the day in listing the tasks i am able to set the tone of the day. Instead of rushing ahead like the carriage before the horses. I take charge of my energy and begin noting my daily tasks. I write them down as they come to mind and then number them in priority to be completed. Now that I am well practiced, my list usually flows in order of priority as I have a good sense of how long a task will take and my rhythm is in tune. Consistency in practice promotes the rhythm for grace and ease.

//NOTE when starting anything new, please allow time and add compassion with beginners eyes.

Do not add to the daily tasks when tasks on list is completed

How many times have you crossed off a task and then added another? In years past I would do this. Justifying that I was getting ahead in tasks for the next day and ahead in life. Truth be known, I had a new full list and additions the next day and the next day. It was like being a hampster on a hampster wheel just cycling through repeats.

The practice of pushing on and going creates a pattern in the mind that overrides the bodies voice of wisdoms. The body which will ask for rest, nutrition and change in rhythm for stimulation can be ignored with the voice of the head that wants to charge ahead. Most times nutrition, meals will be missed to get the task ticked off the list. Hydration may be missed as sitting for water or a pot of tea is out of the question. Fatigue can also happen that may result in minor to major accidents of the body because of hurrying when the body mind actually needs to slow down.

When one continues to over task, you can also create high revs in your rhythm that will not or can not slow down resulting in an obsession in the mind to keep pushing through tasks. Mental health of suffering can happen because of exhaustion in the body temple, depletion of sleep & over spending the adrenal system.

Also one can get a bit grumpy and judge others that have different rhythm than their own and create a martyr complex. Resulting also to never asking for support or help. Certainly not delegating tasks either.

Choosing to start your day with the simple act of listing tasks and completing that which is listed gives you a sense of achievement and is worth celebrating. In time this will become your natural rhythm.

MAKIA - energy flows where attention goes Be Aware

Notebook two

This is my notebook to capture inspirations and ideas during the day. Inspirations come to me in forms of conversations, sights and tones during my day.

Usually during podcasts when I am driving an inspiration will arrive and I pullover to note it. Ideas come from colors or nature & wildlife. In the moods of the day or the seasons of the moon. I note them all down for me to revisit and reflect in when I am home or sitting.

Inspirations & Ideas come to me like film. I watch the inspiration/ idea play across my minds eye. Then I sketch out a few frames, tones & emotions. These I will replay in full film once again when I am home or sitting. With consistency in practice you will evolve the way you see, sense or feel inspirations/ideas .

Spiritual prompts & nudges

I feel like I may need to expand on this. My Spiritual prompts & nudges feels like a a pull in a direction from a trusted companion. This companion has a view of the bigger picture of happenings, wisdoms of an ancient elder, energy of life & for me, a companion of great sense with a lick of humour.

For example, I maybe in my daily tasks and I feel that pull from my companion to go connect with a person or go to a place. Every single time I have followed that prompt it has led me to a solution or resolve. It has led me to a new positive connection, collaboration or even a new beginning!

Recently, I have been prompted even unwillingly, to begin writing & sharing my everyday wisdoms that support my wellbeing.

Notebook tips

  • Two paperback notes that are easy to carry in your bag or pocket is the go.

  • Pencil is my preference for bedside notebook listing. You can write laying down faceup.

  • Twelve is the magic number for daily tasks. Less is good. Stop at twelve.

  • Be gentle & kind when beginning these new rituals of support. Beginners Compassion.

  • Consistency is the key.

Thank you for sharing some hui (supportive yarns) with me. I envision a positive new beginning for you in this. Leave a comment or a question & let me know how you go. I keep note!

Arohanui Ngahuia xx