Taking Time... is it time?

We know we should, we even know how to offer advice & encouragement to why its so important. There are many people that want to but its just too far down the ever adding list of jobs and responsibilities. Taking time out is relevant, just not priority, ..YET.

Taking time for yourself & what it involves.

 "Choosing" to take time for ourselves and "choosing" to  disconnect from a schedule that is not our natural bodies clock or natures seasonal rhythm,  requires a firm decision & non-negotiable agreement.

Making the choice to add time out for yourself can be instant, its the "when!" or "how",  am I allowed? How would this, this & that get done? Sometimes taking time out for yourself could be something you are just not comfortable with or don't know how to do. (I always say that some people are just more practised then others) 

This is when "Keep it Simple" in the beginning is important & planning is a good thing.

Keep It Simple!

Many times when my clients share that they are experiencing anxiety or feelings of being lost. We begin with mindful breathing in & breathing out.

Mindful breathing is a great start. It does not require any more time nor money. Just simple mindful breathing. As we know this "breath of life" will accompany us all this life.

Begin with three mindful breaths in and out, feeling the chest rise & full. Allow the breath to reach down into the belly.

I recommend to begin mindful breathing whilst you are reading this post.

ADDING mindful breathing before you turn the car keys on & off , when you are walking around & sitting at your office or at home.

My Tip...

 My tip for parents/carers of young ones is to invest in two different coloured pegs. For one colour breathe in & the other colour breathe out when hanging up the laundry. By adding mindful breathing to everyday activities makes your wellbeing plan achievable.

Like all new beginnings & practises, be patient with yourself and be honest! Adding too big of a commitment can add stress. Being honest about how much time and when is the best time to add space for your wellbeing practise is the best setup for this wellbeing practise to become part of your flow for Life.

For Example; if you decide to ADD journaling & writing in your day to clear thoughts out of your mind. Put a timer on for 12 minutes. This gives you 12 minutes of committed time. Most times you may find that you want to journal longer. However choosing 12 minutes each day at the same time forms a healthy habit & then this becomes part of your flow of life.

You may choose to ADD mindful exercise. Perhaps choosing to meet a friend everyday to walk with will give you both a good start!

ADDING three promises of care during the day maybe your cup of tea (literally, sit down & have a cuppa!).

For me, making my lunch and taking easy bite size snacks to work is a promise of care for the day. Drinking out of a glass not a container so that I am being mindful when I am collecting & drinking my water.  Thirdly I may go for a walk on the town jetty after work to wash off the energy of the day or have a wonderful bath that evening.

"From little things, Big things grow" Choosing to ADD small rituals of care builds a bank of energy & confidence within yourself.

Lets sit by the sea as the wind whispers reminders of how we are all connected.

Lets sit by the sea as the wind whispers reminders of how we are all connected.

Asking for support & help to map out your wellbeing plan is welcomed at Mana Wellbeing Centre. Knowing that this is a safe & confidential space to start these new beginnings.

This involves sitting with a BUSH flower pot of tea & sharing hui (yarns). Together we will create an achievable map of wellness. And of course a non-negotiable agreement to ADD to your daily routine of flow in Life.

As we begin this weeks activities for Mental Health Week. I invite you all to come & experience the many offerings of wellbeing activities. Be curious & ask questions. Be brave & try something new! Listen to our many amazing wellness practitioners sharing wisdoms. Or simply come, sit & enjoy a twilight event watching a movie at our Drive in & Deck Chair movies.

I look forwards to sharing this week of Mental Health Awareness together or for a personal consult of Mapping out your Wellness Plan in Mana Wellbeing Centre.

In Peace & Honouring Ngahuia

“Self Care is an action of Self LOVE”